Scoutbook emails blacklisted again?

Good morning,

I’m the SM at Troop 65 in Meck County Council. I sent out an email via Scoutbook to my entire Troop and it never came through to my email address, which has a domain of I tried emailing myself only via Scoutbook, twice, but nothing. I asked my wife, who has a email address and she received it. Same for my CC who has a address. I also found out my wife’s messages to her Webelos Den were never delivered to my email address.

The last time this happened was when certain email addresses were blacklisted last year. Did this happen again?

Thank you to anyone from BSA IT for looking into this!

Yes - this has been reported

Looks like the mail server ( []) is once again on the Spamhaus CSS blocklist.

Running a high volume mail server in 2023 is a huge challenge. It would be substantially better, not only for mail delivery but the amount of wasted time dealing with this, to switch to something like SendGrid or Mailgun to handle these messages.

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IT is aware of the issue. Unfortunately Samphaus will not tell IT what the problem is that causes the server to be blacklisted so all fixes applied are just guesses at what may work.

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Is there any way to pull a list of all the parent emails so I can send a notification manually?


You can use Roster Builder to get a list of your parent e-mail addresses.

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@CharlesPyne - unit page > export/backup or this ^^^^^

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