Eagle Application Report Missing Troop number on Merit badge section

When I run the Eagle scout application report for a scout, his older merit badges do not display the troop number. Is this a bug?


No it is not a bug. This is because Scoutbook has no way to know which troop the MB was earned with. You have 2 options

  1. Create memberships in Scoutbook for the time period in question so SB knows what unit the MB was earned with.
  2. Edit the PDF to add the unit number. All fields in the PDF can be edited using Adobe Reader.

How do I do option 1 to fix this
Where do you go to create memberships?

In Scoutbook, go to an individual Scout’s Membership page. Then click on the red “+Add” button to add a membership. I am not sure how well it will work if the membership is not position approved, which needs to be done by a Troop Admin from the former troop(s).

Or change the start date on existing memerbships

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