Eagle Scout Report - IA Missing ID - Scout Turned 18

We have a scout who earned Eagle the day before his 18th birthday. He has since become an adult scouter. There is an advancement report waiting in IA for his Eagle, however his scout ID is now missing so the report will not run. I believe this is blocking the generation of other advancement reports.
My User ID: 125517639

@MarkBoatman Not exactly sure who you are talking about, but I did find an adult leader on your roster with initials A.W. who had a Scout membership and a Unit College Scouter Reserve position open at the same time in Scoutbook. I have closed the Scout membership.


Thank you for the help. I thank you for making those changes. The report (Eagle) for A.W. continues to fail when I attempt to generate. The error is “Unable to find user for the given userID”. How can I remove this report?

My Member ID: 125517639



Does your council require an advancement report for Eagle? In my council, we don’t get Eagle kits from the Scout Shop, they come directly from the council with no advancement report required.

I want to delete this advancement report.


Please try:

  1. Log in at Scoutbook
  2. Go to your troop page (under My Units)
  3. Click on “Troop Reports”
  4. Click on “Needs Purchasing Report”
  5. Assuming that this is a closed purchase order, click on “View Closed Purchase Orders”
  6. Click on the most recent closed Purchase Order and see if you can delete it.


Thank you for the information. I deleted to prior PO’s in Scoutbook, however the failed advancement report in Internet Advancement still exists.

Thank you. -Mark

My Member ID: 125517639
