Editing Troop Admin: Permissions won't turn off

A leader is a Troop admin. Under the end dates, it says that their Admin position ended 12/31/2021. They’re still listed as a Troop Admin. Is this a known bug? (I’m actually just assuming it is but double checking.) Also: I did search for this answer before I asked it in multiple places. So if it’s listed somewhere, it wasn’t easy to find.

@AdrienneKrock Could you please provide the individual’s BSA member number?

(No names, please.)

I owe you an apology. Ugh. I hate it when I’m wrong. I trusted the person who told me they still have Admin status. They do still have full control but they don’t have Troop Admin Status. Insert Face Palm Slap Emoji, please.

@AdrienneKrock - do you want them to retain full control ?

I don’t but I’m going to be polite and wait for charter to process so they aren’t a leader any more when I turn it off. This mostly came up because we’re trying to add new leaders but we can’t until the charter processes.

@AdrienneKrock - I would not add them in scoutbook… let the system add them when the apps are processed then assign their roles.

Thanks. It wouldn’t let me add them anyway.

@AdrienneKrock - and it will remove leaders from the roster as well… did for me

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