Entering Old activities

How far back can we go when entering old activities. We have been trying to migrate from Troopmaster to Scoutbook for about 3 months with a lot of pain and no real gain compared to Troopmaster. Right now we cannot edit activities entered, and we cannot add older activities so the Scouts records are not complete and reports for things like Order of the Arrow are wrong.

Are you sure? I have entered activities always after they happened. Sometimes as far back as 3 or 4 months. Granted not 2 years (that OA would require).

How far back do you have an issue with?

appears to be anything older than 6 months.

What exact steps are you following to try and enter activities?

@KevinFields what I did moving a unit from TM to SB - First found all arrowmen - just added their numbers en masse - John camped 84 nights on june 1 (same for service and hiking) DONE. Anyone not an Arrowmen I subtracted 15 (what ever the short term camping is) entered that number - then made 3 night camps to make it add up - this solved the OA report. Scouts should have their own Logs for history that is why they are in the Handbook.

Thanks Donovan, we might just do that. Will have to explain to parents why we are doing it, but better than not being able to have the camping and service hours in the system. I know there are no plans to allow imports from other tools, but a goal is to have Units move to SB from apps like TM then they should fix the activity issues in IA and allow imports.

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No there are imports available - TM turned off that feature on their end (as did some other 3rd parties) so it was hidden for the time being

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