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5) Member ID & Council of person affected 137232667 - Currently Gulf Coast Council, transfering to Northwest texas Council
I’ve been receiving an error code for the last month while trying to transfer my son from one council to another (we moved). I did reach out to Council, who said the code was probably because of his registration ending at the end of September, but I see no option to re-register, it wouldn’t let me register weeks before his registration ended, and the error code doesn’t seem to have anything to do with a registration being expired (now). I was also able to transfer my daughter in August, and myself in September, even though all of our registrations expired on September 30th as well.
Error Code: sourceCouncilGuid is required when isSourceCouncilRequired=true and isSelfClone=false, Message: Invalid Request
this occurs when, as a parent, I try to sign the terms and conditions after entering the parent info (which it auto fills when connecting to my.scouting.org). The last option is to fill out a paper application, but Ive had bad history with paper applications, especially when something goes wrong (it has taken 7 months to get my get transfered before when moving councils).
@MichaelWatrous You can’t transfer a registration that is expired.
It looks like you and your son were previously in Northwest Texas Council 587. In my.Scouting, you want to set your 587 BSA member ID number (the one ending in -262) as primary (Manage Member ID).
Then you are going to register your son like you would a new Scout. However, when you get to the part where it asks you: “Is the youth a current/former Scout?”, you answer “Yes”, and provide his old BSA member ID number in Northwest Texas Council 587.
I am having the exact same issue here, getting the same error.
We recently moved and I am trying to renew an expired membership for my son. I set him up as a new scout, typed in his old member ID, and then when I went to accept the terms and conditions I received the same error above.
Scout ID: 12860755
Parent ID: 140631934
any suggestions to register him in his new council and make sure his advancement stays linked to his account.
@RobertAlbergotti you cannot renew an Expired membership - you submit a new one
I did submit a new one, when it asked for his old scout # it imported the right contact information. Do I say he did not previously have a scout ID?
I do not understand what you are saying? it took the BSA #; but it did not take the BSA #?
@RobertAlbergotti Try saying No to the question if he previously had a BSA member ID number. I think that was in there because of the new Scout fee, which no longer applies.
It took the BSA number and found my son after I selected register a new scout:
The steps I took:
- Start Registering a Scout
- Is this youth a current / former scout —> Yes
- Enter youth member ID / Name / etc → system populates his name, address, etc.
- I update for our new address
- then log in to my account and agree to terms and conditions
Error messages appears
Does that help? Should I just say that he does not have a former account?
@RobertAlbergotti Try saying No to the question: “Is this youth a current / former Scout”
That seems to work. Then do I just need to link his new ID to Scoutbook to find the advancement?
@RobertAlbergotti We might need to fix it afterwards. We will need to wait until after the new registration is approved by the unit and the overnight process takes place.
@RobertAlbergotti as long as you used the same FN, MM, LN, DOB the system should find it over 24 hours
Ok. We’ll wait and see. Appreciate the help!