Parent receives error trying to register lapsed scout

Parent receives following error after inputing parent info
Something went wrong
Error Code: sourceCouncilGuid is required when isSourceCouncilRequired=true and isSelfClone=false, Message: Invalid Request

Parent MID is 140471548
Scout MID is 140471565

Trying to register in Greater LA Council. Was previously in Indian Waters Council, SC

What is the process the parent is trying to use?

Is the parent trying to transfer the Scout? Or is the parent using the unit’s link from or the Invitation Manager (my.Scouting)?

Parent is using Beascout. I walked her through it.
Her Scout expired 8/31/24 - is the “grace period” messing it up?

I am not certain, but we seem to have seen other cases where transferring while in the grace period did not work.

@LeahGrossi Has the parent tried answering No to the question: “Is the youth a current/former Scout?”

Yes, it creates a new account and if they are trying to transfer, it charges them full amount rather than recognizing their previous membership.

@LeahGrossi The Scout’s registration is expired, so they should be paying the full amount for 12 months.

Yes, you are correct in this case, just not for the ones that are trying to transfer.
I have a couple of these happening.
We are going with paper applications.

@LeahGrossi Please ask your local council to submit a help ticket for those others. There seems to be some kind of bug.