OK did an import on 8/17. File OK and import went well leadership went in and marked MB requirements and completed badges as leader approved. In Looking back one scout was automatically marked as both completed and approved by a leader from his old pack who is no longer connected to him. In turn he did not show up on the advancement report or the purchasing report but does show up on the needs awarding report. I have attached one of his MB records as well as another scout. I imported (Ron) approval done by Anne and Gabrielle Erik is leader from cub pack.
Can you check the scout’s membership page to see if they still have a current membership in the pack? Or more than just the current membership in the troop?
@RonFedele Jacob’s suggestion is a good one to check. It seems likely that leaders from the Pack approved the badges by mistake.
It is not possible for the Black Pug import to mark items as approved by anyone other than the person importing. When the import is done, it simply uses existing UI screens to enter data (they are just hidden) and Scoutbook associates who made the update to the person logged in making the changes.
There pack membership is ended 3 months prior to me doing the upload i looked. I don’t know of a way to see when that date was actually put in
I would contact the Pack and ask. I know of cases where the Pack ends the Troop membership and reactivates the Pack membership to enter Pack advancements that they didn’t get to before the transfer. Then, when they are done, end the Pack membership and reopen the Troop membership.
If they did not do that then there is a serious Scoutbook bug that needs to be addressed immediately.
I will check with them. Do you know of any way to audit when end dates were put in or connections were changed
There is not way to know via the UI. However - if they did what I suggested, when they re-enabled the Troop membership I would think they would come back but the membership probably would need to be approved again by an Admin in the Troop.
doing a little digging will let you know what i find out
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