Scoutbook says I am the Assistant Den Leader and Den Admin. I should be the Den Leader, not the Assistant.
I can’t view positions in other units, but folks from SUAC may be able to assist. If you post your BSA ID, they can take a look.
@BenjaminRobertson - that really did not answer the question. When you log into what is your registered position.
My registered position is Assistant Den Leader and Den Admin
@BenjaminRobertson - ok… let’s try this one more time… please go to log in and in the upper right is an avatar that represents you… click on that then click on my profile then scroll down to registered positions. What is listed there.
It says I have no registered positions on that page.
@BenjaminRobertson - well there you have it. You can post you BSA ID but I suspect you have not been officially registered as an adult leaders in the BSA. You would need and adult application filled out, youth protection training certificate and criminal background check and approval from the charter organization representative
I have all that. I’ve taken YPT every year for the past four years. I was an adult leader for this Pack last year. I’ll engage with my Pack and Council. This is extremely frustrating.
@BenjaminRobertson - if has no registered position listed then none of your claims make any difference. Please post your BSA ID and perhaps the SUAC team can provide insight.
@BenjaminRobertson - there is an obvious issue - as there are No registrations give me a minute to look
@BenjaminRobertson OK - you FEC registered MID is 137151398 - talk to council on 137243954
on my.scouting (as @Stephen_Hornak suggested) you should now see positions. let me look at Scoutbook accounts - thanks @Stephen_Hornak
@BenjaminRobertson I think you are good to go now
Ok, I just saw that my Scoutbook and IDs are different. Not sure how that happened.
Great, what should I do to check? Log out of Scoutbook and and then log back in again?
log out of EVERY BSA system - then log back in normal username
Ok, I’ll do that.
Thanks to everyone for their help. The systems were working fine and then poof. I’m glad we have such dedicated folks helping out.
@BenjaminRobertson you military brats are a pain … BUT we are GREATFUL for your service - we will get it right for you
@BenjaminRobertson - your are welcome and I apologize if my tone seemed terse but certainly the first place to verify your roles and registration is
No worries. I disregard any perceived tone on the internet, especially since I usually write the same.
I just checked, my BSA ID numbers are the same on both Scoutbook and Also, has a registered position. However, I still cannot update advancements for my Den on Scoutbook.
@BenjaminRobertson cannot solve that - unit needs to fix that with connections or just making den admin