Why are military brats a pain? (I know you mean from an administrative point of view). I was in this same Pack last year. The Pack I was with in Norfolk, VA was about 70% military and we had no issues like this. Are the issues due to being overseas? Why would that matter?
I’m sorry for all the questions but I’m a bit of a process/organization/management nerd. I’m also an attorney so …
@BenjaminRobertson - you did say that scoutbook had you as den administrator right. Let’s go to scoutbook then the pack roster, click on your name, then position
Nuts Ed and Donovan may beat me to it
@BenjaminRobertson unfair statement sorry = the isolation of BSA #'s to councils makes the honored military family’s BSA life cumbersome? every council a new BSA # (mid)
Because every time someone registers in a new council they get a new BSA Member ID. If the same name and DOB is not used in every case, the system can’t find the other registrations so duplicate accounts get created.
I am getting the same error message several people described above. Did I miss the reply for the resolution? I am the Advancement Chair and trying to prepare for court of honor by imputing ranks and merit badges in Internet Advancement 2.0
@JeannieMarshall - have you attempted to enter anything or did you stop upon seeing the black box warning?
@BenjaminRobertson - I honestly hope that the BSA can move toward a UUID concept where your ID is the same throughout.
Yes, I attempted to enter a rank advancement. When clicking “record and save” another error message popped up and the mission failed.
@JeannieMarshall - may as well post your bsa id
Sorry, where am I going to find this BSA ID?
When I sign in, the system recognizes me and I can see it lists me as Advancement Chair and a parent.
@JeannieMarshall - log into my.scouting.org then click on the avatar in the upper right as soon as you do it will, list the email account and bsa id linked to that login.
I found it 128416081 thanks
I have also been having this same problem all day. I switched to the offline mode as it suggested after getting the same errors everyone else mentioned. Now I cannot get out of offline mode and the Sync Now button doesn’t work.
Whomever manages IA/Scoutbook, please help ASAP. Thanks.
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@JenniferOlinger just logged in and have nothing additional in Internet Advancement and its telling me to utilize offline mode. Going to ScoutBook and a lot more is available, to include our full roster and I can run reports. But Internet Advancement is still not working as it should.
I am also running into this issue. I get the two error messages and the one about importing files. When I try to upload a new advancement like a merit badge, the database is blank. I did see a message about an issue with the servers and to work offline, but that doesn’t do anything either. Do you know when this will be resolved?
I got 2 errors in Internet Advancement on my phone and one on the desktop. Same red error as before.
This has been reported to the developers. Thank you.
We think this is resolved now (I am no longer getting them)
I can see everything I’m supposed to see now. But now getting a significant error message.