Error on all pages for Scoutmaster

@DavidPrall - definitely not seeing that error.

I saw the super huge error org.mule after @DonovanMcNeil reported the fix. I now don’t see either error on my phone or PC.

@DavidPrall @Matt.Johnson - when did the error appear?

Just prior to my post is when I first saw it. It has appeared now a 2nd time. The 2nd time I was looking at my sons information and switched back to my Scoutmaster view. I just attempted to see if it would happen again and it didn’t.

@DavidPrall was this switching from PARENT to SM? or were you always under SM?

Soon after you said the other was fixed. It was on my phone at 4:40pm central time.

I am not seeing it at all when on the pc or phone and switching between units and my son’s record in IA.

@Stephen_Hornak thanks - but knowing you do not see something helps in no way to isolating why others ARE seeing it.

@DonovanMcNeil - understood but perhaps there is something related to positions I unit? I am the Committee chair for pack, crew and troop. I was hopeful that I would have seen it.

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yeah what is needed on IR (Internet Recharter Errors ) is Inspect > Network - too see what API failed usually.

I believe so. I attempted that again and it didn’t happen this time. I’ve seen it twice now, but it isn’t happening again for me on demand.

@DavidPrall do you know how to use developer tools on browser?

I can enable them but not sure I can help find the root cause since I can’t get it to repeat.

@DavidPrall if you happen to get it again - look under NETWORK - something will be RED - click it and copy cURL - that is good data usually

Will do. Nothing big and red. On a different note lots of 403’s for PNG files of what appear to be merit badges coming from cloudfront. curl ‘’ -H ‘User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0’ -H ‘Accept: image/avif,image/webp,/’ -H ‘Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5’ --compressed -H ‘Referer:’ -H ‘Origin:’ -H ‘Sec-Fetch-Dest: image’ -H ‘Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors’ -H ‘Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site’ -H ‘DNT: 1’ -H ‘Sec-GPC: 1’ -H ‘Connection: keep-alive’

yeah the images I have never understood - original programmer OVERprogrammed I think

I am receiving same errors trying to process MB advancements. Also using Firefox, never had any issues prior to today. Advance Chair for Troop 19 Langhorne PA

I am a Unit Commissioner and Roundtable Commissioner for our district. We have found several fixes with our district. First, if you are not SM , CC, or COR , one of those people will have to give permission for you to make changes.
Next, we have found that if you can’t do it in Scoutbook, then do it in (if you are one of those people), and the changes are transferred to Scoutbook. Unfortunately, they are the only people who can assign new positions for adults, provided the new person has their YPT, new app, and CBC uploaded in the system.
Another error we found doing recharter is that everyone shows a $0 balance; this had to be taken care of at the Council level.
Finally, for cub scouts, you might get an error saying that you need more committee members. If this happens, it is because you need an SM, COR, Executive Officer, and 3 more Committee members. Change one of the extra parents to Committee member. This seemed to fix the above-mentioned problems. We have completed most of our recharter and found that people found several ways to log in and ways to fix problems. I am more than willing to help if people need it.
Thank you for reading and all you do for scouting.
Leigh Damaske

For Cub Scout packs, you need to have the following adult leader positions (minimum):

  • Executive Officer (position code IH)
  • Chartered Org. Rep. (position code CR)
  • Committee Chair (position code CC)
  • 2+ Committee Members (position code MC, Pack Trainer (PT), or New Member Coordinator (NM))
  • Cubmaster (CM)
  • At least one den leader who may be a Lion Den Leader (LL), Tiger Den Leader (TL), Den Leader (DL), or Webelos Den Leader (WL)

Chartered Org. Reps (CR) have the option to dual register as a Committee Chair (CC) or as a Committee Member (MC) [or Pack Trainer (PT) or New Member Coordinator (NM)].

In addition, you also need a Lion Adult Partner (LP) or a Tiger Adult Partner (AP) position for each Lion or Tiger Scout. However, Adult Partners are not registered adult leaders.

See pages 11 (9) and 16 (14) of the BSA Registration Guidebook.


I am looking for the registration guidebook…the link above does not work anymore.
Can you point me towards where to find it?

Update: Found an old copy.
Registration-Guidebook.pdf (1.3 MB)