Error on Entering Merit Badge Requirements

Good morning! While entering some merit badge requirements, myself and my advancement chair have had errors when submitting the form on Scoutbook as both Quick-Entrys or entering it for each scout on an in-progress merit badge. It shows this page with no reference to a reference code or other identifying information.

Specifically, this is for the Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge v2024. Whether I’m attempting to add 1 requirement for my own child or a Quick-Entry for the troop, it errors out. However, when I add it on the Scoutbook mobile app on my phone, I can add merit badge requirements and they show up on Scoutbook.

@MatthewSelleck First thing to look at is Scout Membership page to see if a pack membership is open - if so put an end date

Not an issue, current membership is with the Troop.

@MatthewSelleck if it is CD the SPL Position is not approved by unit - that could be causing issues

@MatthewSelleck post BSA # of scout (no names) and we can look more

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