ERROR: This Batch cannot be updated

After having council reset our re-charter (due to the “new” issue) we were able to make changes. But after going back in a few hours later we now get this error when trying to do anything (remove people, mark multiples, add Scouts Life, etc.)

We were working late last night and early this morning to determine if it was a load on the system issue but had no luck

ERROR: This Batch cannot be updated

Has anyone else experienced this?
Thank you
Kevin Woods
DWC Pack 100 COR

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@KevinWoods1 - How to post Bugs in Recharter - #52 by jacobfetzer

Thanks Stephen. I also saw another user post the same issue. How will BSA notify users that this is an issue and when it is resolved?

Our Troop is having the same issue. I am with the Laurel Highland Council Troop 10. Following for more info.

Angela Pishko
Committee Chair

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I am having the same issue this morning. Pack 785 in Indian Nations Council. Amy Johnson Committee Chair

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I’m having the same issue as well. My charter is due today (I know, shame on me for waiting) but I can’t make any changes to individuals, remove or add members to the charter, mark as multiple, or change Scout Life. Everything is throwing this error.

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I am having the same issue, I cannot add or remove or edit anything. Pack 65 Longhouse Council

I’m experiencing the same issue to make a few final adjustments. Everything was fine for me until I verified the roster to see if there were any errors. I had no errors but after selecting to “Continue editing” instead of “Proceed to payment,” I now receive the error message. I did the troubleshooting including a different browser, so the issue is in the software. [If the Devs need it my member ID is 130789097]

Also getting this error - ID#12492201

Im having the same issue.

Same issue here! We cannot move on with the recharter.

I am having the same issue

and answers???

As noted above by @Stephen_Hornak, the developers are already investigating per this post: How to post Bugs in Recharter - #52 by jacobfetzer

Hopefully someone will post that they had this problem and now things are working.

As it is clear National is not telling us about issues or when they are resolved. I am posting on my Council FB pages as many are not on this forum.


PLEASE NOTE I am in rechartering and it is currently working. Please try again


This seems to be solved - and actions I had taken are in place - please review yours


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