The parent’s profile doesn’t show in the old version of Scoutbook for me to email/contact.
When I go into Scoutbook Plus, I can view the scout in my den, but when I click on the parent, I get an error on their page. I can view other parents information.
What is the parents (or scouts) SB User # ?
Scouts member ID # is 13854311
@DerekEvans ok I made one change to see if it resolves it
Same error with the parent when I attempt to view their profile
give it like 12 hours to fully sync I think @DerekEvans
@DonovanMcNeil Not sure if this is the issue or not, but the parent’s BSA member ID number is in a different council than the Scout in Akela.
yeah but that should not matter - we see that all the time - some AKELA Data was missing in SB so I synced it
@DonovanMcNeil The overnight sync might revolve the issue.
Still getting the same error when I try to view their profile.