Event Email functionality

I’m trying to understand how the messaging/calendar/event notifications work. It doesn’t look like is really covered in the documentation. As far as I can this is how the various flavors of communications associated with events work:

  • Creating and saving an event does not send an email
  • Choosing a “Send Now” reminder sends an email and the email includes a link to the event to view and RSVP
  • You can create an email message and optionally include calendar events. This will send an email but will not include a link to the event itself or allow you to RSVP
  • You cannot include any event information in text messages
  • Adding a comment to an event sends an email but does not include a link to the event or allow an RSVP

Did I get that right? Has anyone figured out a way to send a text message that includes an event? I tried copying an pasting the url to the event, but the URL got broken up in the text. Thanks all!

I haven’t dealt with text messages, only emails. Sorry not to answer your question

While we are on the topic of emails for comments on an email, do we know who gets those emails?

It doesn’t appear to be everyone, so maybe the leader who set up the event originally?

Is there a way to toggle notifications for event comments to turn them on or off for a specific event or perhaps a global setting?


The comment emails go to the person who created the event.

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