Event number missing . emails only going to some people

I can’t find the event numbers to quote .
the system seemed to work on saturday but not sunday or yesterday
I " select all " and i know that i personally don’t recive them and neither does my son . I added another email address of mine and that arrived about an hour after sending


Is this with send now or scheduled reminders?

The developers actually prefer the date and time of the event as it makes it easier to find than using the event number.

Hi ,
i found the number - when you edit it comes up here -

8/29/24 JSN



9/7/24 Honor flight


Are you using send ASAP or scheduled reminders?

I am using asap and scheduled


Are you having the same issue with both? Currently scheduled runs on the legacy Scoutbook message system while ASAP is using the new Scoutbook Plus message system.

Hi ,
i upgraded to scoutbook plus , here is a screen shot of reminders etc .
did i do something wrong ?


No, that is correct. It is the backend that processes the reminders where the difference between ASAP and Scheduled occurs.

I need to know which type of reminder is not being received in order to have the proper team look into the issue.

and with RSVP Yes - that means anyone set to Maybe (which is default I think) and No will not get the reminders

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so far the asap ones .
i could do a test and change the " days before " for the one this week and see if it works ?

any chance someone can call me please ?

any chance someone can call me please ?
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@MatthewHayes we can setup a screenshare if you want

Tomorrow ?
What time ?

Matthew Hayes

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Tomorrow ?
What time ?

Matthew Hayes

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@MatthewHayes I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

i can;t do remote access as its a work laptop .
can you call me please

Phone call will do no good - I think this is your whole issue - If you have RSVP on and click send only to YES - No One is set to yes to begin with - all are set to Maybe.

Hi ,
im not sure about that because i did a test on -

I set first with asap and then the reminders and nobody got the asap .
hen i changed it to 10 days and everyone got that one as i can see some have replied

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