Event Reminders are in Military Time

I’m getting event reminders where the time of the event is in military time! How do I change this? It is apparently going out to everyone like this and is rather frustrating.
(From the looks of other forum topics, I guess I should be thankful it’s the correct time zone…)

Is that new today? I just got one yesterday that was AM/PM notation (although it included the UTC offset).

Also, do you know if the reminder was a scheduled reminder or a Send Now reminder?


I have duplicated the issue and will report it to the developers.

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I’m not sure if it’s new because I haven’t saved my past ones. I also have one from yesterday that is am/pm. But I think I remember seeing it before, so maybe it’s the way it was triggered?

It was indeed a scheduled reminder. Maybe that’s the difference? But still need a fix-nobody will know what time to be there if they get that reminder.

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