We have a Scout who is dual registered and in our unit he shows up with an exclamation mark next to him on the roster. What did we do wrong?
SB User ID:8678178
BSA Member ID:12966240
Thanks in advance
We have a Scout who is dual registered and in our unit he shows up with an exclamation mark next to him on the roster. What did we do wrong?
SB User ID:8678178
BSA Member ID:12966240
Thanks in advance
is it too memberships in the same council? What council are you @PatrickMaguire ?
This Scout has 2 active Member IDs - they are unique to Councils so they will not function correctly in Scoutbook for the other unit (You)
The best solution is for family to pick a primary unit and use that Units MID (Scout #) - then the other unit is the approver of what is put in SB - trusting the other unit leaders.
Thank you again for your prompt response (as always)
The Scout wishes our Troop (TRC Council) to be the primary. If I am understanding correctly, our Unit Leader would trust the Secondary Troop’s Unit Leader(GNYC Council) to report advancement particulars to our troop e.g Scout Henry completed First class requirement #22 and we would be the “Troop of Record” and mark that in Scout Book
Do I have that correct?
Basically yes - the scout will disappear from the other units scoutbook if you go to one record. The other option is having one council do a slight name modification so they do not match up then the scout would have 2 separate records
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