FWIW: Successfully Transferred a Cub into a Troop

Gigi, it sounds like you need to contact your council. Parent information is on the BSA youth application, so the council just needs to connect the Scout and the parent in their system.

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If you know that the parent has a bsa member number, providing that may help, but otherwise, the parent name(s) should be all they need to find them. One parent is sufficient.

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@GigiKarschies Any luck? Our Pack has same issue with 4 of 10 families. We have contacted council and National. National made the connection in ScoutNet but still does not work. We are still working with staff to figure this out.

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@RichardSaccoccia What does the actual error message say? I’ve seen two errors generally. One is that there is no parent relationship in scoutnet. The other is that one of the parents does not have the date of birth listed in scoutnet. For the latter, if the scout has more than one parent list in scoutnet, all of them need a date of birth.

Thank you all for the replies. For most of the scouts, the Transfer process has worked with the exception of 2 scouts. It seems as though all info, including address, email address, etc in the Cubs/Pack Scoutbook/my.scouting has to be complete for the process to go smooth. Otherwise, there have been several errors that have not allowed for the transfer as of yet.

Hoping to get these resolved. Waiting for the 24 hrs overnight sync and will know if it worked tomorrow.

Council had to fix. The error was no parent relationship.