Parent Transfer Scout to Pack Not Working

Last week a scout was transferred to our unit through and our committee chair approved it and the scout is showing up fine. Today a parent submitted a scout to be transferred to our unit the same way. This time I went into Scoutbook and transferred that scout in to our pack. But now I’m getting an error saying the transfer isn’t complete until a paper application is turned into my council. Both kids were within our council and district. So why did one work with a paper application and the other didn’t and how do I fix it?

@ClareDavis - was the transfer approved in for this second scout ?

For the second scout, I suspect if you had waited a day or so after it was approved, they’d have automatically transferred in scoutbook.

My CC said he didn’t see it in when he checked. I wasn’t sure if there was a delay before it posted there.

@ClareDavis - possible that the parent did not actually commit the transfer.

The parent is the one that messaged me and said she had done it. Maybe she did something wrong and it didn’t go through correctly

@ClareDavis - perhaps a sit down with them would help. I know when I transferred the AOL into the troop it was quick within and then just waited for them to show in the troop roster.

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