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I didn’t notice that, but their den assignments are blank. Thanks for the help.
Could we suggest to the developers that:
A - an error be displayed to the user indicating that a requested function is dependent on a data point that is incorrect/missing? (i.e.: “This scout must be assigned to a den before their advancements can be updated.”)
B - a message appear on the pack/den’s administrator’s page indicating that there are scouts that are not currently assigned to a den? (I.e. “There are XX scouts not assigned to a den or patrol. Some ScoutBook functions will not work until this is corrected.”)
These would really help prevent issues with data dependent functionality and increase our self help capabilities.
Thanks again for the help - it is greatly appreciated.
Scouts not in a den are in a section “Not in a den” on the pack page. Because of the way Scoutbook is coded, it would be a significant amount of work to add error messages for this issue.