Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
I went into Scoutbook tonight to update advancement records for my den and found that the pack has almost half of the scouts with duplicated accounts? They are reported in the Pack summary page as “accounts not in a den” even though they are. It also seems to point to the same BSA ID#s
There are also numerous accounts present that were not carried over at this year’s recharter - including youth and adult leaders.
It seems like some old database was synced. It also seems like it’s just Scoutbook because the pack Roster on my.Scouting still seems correct.
Please let me know what other information would be helpful to share on this.
Same- went in to check something and I have 54 Cubs that are “Scouts Not in a Den” that are either duplicated or had been removed with our recharter that was posted well over a month ago (including at least one leader that hasn’t been associated with our Pack since 2021)…
Same issue, had a total of like 20 scouts. I just went to membership of each one and put an end date to removed them. If you have current scouts in a den but same scouts also in not a den, make sure you put an end date on “Youth Member” option.