The same scout is showing up twice

There are two scouts that are showing up twice in Scoutbook. They appear to have the same BSA and SB IDs but one shows up as not assigned to a den and the other shows up as assigned. In Scoutbook Plus roster, the same appear to have 2 ‘Positions’: one is “Bear Member” and the other is “Youth Member”. How can I resolve this?

@CatherineVyvial that means they have 2 memberships - go to each Scout in Scoutbook and click the membership tab - they PROBABLY have a pack membership and a den membership - put an end date on the Pack membership - Solved

Yes, they do have two memberships. I’ll go ahead and fix that. Does that mean they paid two membership fees?

that is unlikely - post the BSA #s and we can check

My son was trying to get access to Scout Book but in the process he inadvertently created a duplicate account. Now I can’t invite him to his actual account because it says he already has an account and he must remove the existing account first. The new account has zero information, was just created, and just needs to be deleted. I am a key three delgate for this troop, but I cannot figure out how to delete his account. Appreciate any help you can provide.

@MariaMolina there is no way you can fix it - thy did not use the same info as was already in system - was it OM or MM and I can look around - or give the BSA # on the wrong Account

Myst Account Setup.pdf (223.2 KB)

You can keep this PDF for unit - so they know how to do it correctly

@MariaMolina I found the account and got it fixed

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