I am trying to change the date for one of our scouts approval for Star it was entered incorrectly. The system will not let me un approve #8 Board of review for Star but it did work for the other requirements. Not sure if there is a bug on this particular requirement.
@ChristopherPrescott have you unapproved the Rank?
You have to clear the date and approval from one of the other requirements first. Otherwise, it’ll keep auto completing the overall rank.
The only date that matters is the completion date. The “approval” date (Approved by X on Y) is for audit purposes only. It is just the date the rank was leader approved in Scoutbook.
I tried deleting the date and approval from all the requirements and number 8 is still not letting my un approve the requirement. I was able to delete the dates and approvals from all the other requirements except number 8.
Now go up and unapprove the overall rank and then clear the date on the overall rank.
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