Help Creating AOL Den, AOL “Den Level” is not available in the dropdown list.
@SamCarney - there is no such thing as an AOL den. They are webelos for 18 months
I know that many Packs (that have enough members) as far back as the 1960’s have had 2 separate dens for Webelos. One for 9-year-olds working towards their Webelos rank and one for 10-year-olds working on their AOL.
By whatever name they identify as, they call them:
- Webelos 1 & Webelos 2.
- 9 year olds & 10 year olds.
- 4th grade den & 5th grade den.
- Webelos den & AOL den.
The Webelos program is currently a “minimum” of 18 months. However not all 2nd year Webelos become Scouts BSA age after just 18 months because the starting criteria for Cubs is based on grade, not on age. All the sample Webelos den meeting schedules cover the entire school year to accommodate this (2 full school program years).
Some smaller member Packs consolidate the two Webelos dens into one because, for them, it makes sense to do so. Just as BSA allows some small Packs to consolidate Wolf & Bear dens, or even a single Den program for all Ranks in a Pack. It’s not for us to debate what is right or wrong here. The Cub Scout program was designed to be flexible enough to accommodate the needs and sizes of all Units.
It may be true that Scoutbook does not make this distinction, but it absolutely should…
I felt you deserved a complete answer.
@SamCarney - what we have done over the years was change the name of the second year webelos den to their patrol name that they picked as part of their scouting adventure. But in the end there is no AOL den nor has there ever really been.
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