Help needed transferring a Scout to my unit


I have a Wolf Scout who was previously in a different pack with a Scoutbook account, took a year off, and now wants to join my pack. I have his Youth Member ID (13947122), but when I use the in-council transfer utility, per the instructions, I get an “Unauthorized” message. Anyone have tips or workarounds? Thank you for your help,

Andrew Bauer

@AndrewBauer - my suspicion is that you can not transfer a non-existent scout. In essence the membership lapsed so a new application is needed

The parent should be able to apply at, but it’s not a transfer if their membership has lapsed.


If they use the online registration system at beascout, when they enter their child’s name and date of birth, they should try to connect with the same BSA member ID number: 13947122.

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To add to the responses above, if the parent clicks “APPLY NOW” on your unit’s listing, the first question they will be asked is: “Is the youth a current/former Scout?” When they select the “Yes” radio button, the first field they will be prompted with will be “Youth member ID”. They can then register like any other Scout that is new to your unit (without the $25 fee).


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