Helpdesk for additional questions and timely assistance

Reviewing lessons learned from a challenging unit renewal, my council registrar shared the news that the Unit and Membership Renewal page has been updated with a reference to this forum.

You can also visit the Internet Recharter Responses to Forum-Related Questions/Discussions helpdesk for additional questions and timely assistance.

Would appreciate guidance on what topics should be addressed here versus escalated through council registrars to file support tickets.


As far as we know, there not anyone from the BSA who monitors this or any other forum.


@PaulStrasma - to state that the forums are a help desk is a bit of a reach.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Quick Entry for Cub Scouts

Simple how to questions that other users have likely encountered would be appropriate to ask here. No one will be able to fix anything for you here.

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