Hiking/Camping/Service/Long Cruise Logs Changing

@Stephen_Hornak - I agree that a board of review is not a re-test. However, I remember watching a video promoting Scoutbook. The program’s developer expressed a deep sense of pride and accomplishment while relating a story he heard of a question that came up during a board of review during which they consulted Scoutbook and were easily able to fin the answer.

While I think, in light of everything that’s been written in this thread, the move of the logs to IA2 is the best thing in the long run, getting that answer out of Scoutbook is no longer a certainty. Since the change, I have had one hike completed by one Scout and one adult (registered leader, parent of the Scout) to enter in IA2. I appreciated that there are fields for the lowest and highest elevation, even though this isn’t relevant for a Wolf Scout or an adult. In the interest of completeness, I entered the elevation data anyway. I found the process to be far less smooth and even a bit clunky compared with making the entries in Scoutbook. Like everything else in life, we’ll all get used to it.

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@PeterHopkins - agreed. It will take time and getting used to before we get to the comfortable stage. That will be the time for the comfy chair.

The elevation info. probably shouldn’t be on the Basic tab. We can ask the developer to move it to the Advanced tab.

Don’t feel like you need to fill in every field – just the fields with asterisks. The other fields are optional.


@JenniferOlinger - For a 3.3-mile hike, there was a significant elevation change. The hike started with a gradual climb and ended with a steep descent. So, I wanted to capture it, even though I knew it was meaningless.

I think the elevation field need to be in both basic and advanced, because some Scouts may need it for a merit badge. My understanding is that if everyone gets the same data, the basic tab can be used. So, if a troop does a hike together, the highest and lowest elevations will be the same for all, and they can enter it using the basic tab. The advanced tab would only be needed if someone on the hike didn’t complete it. But I’m not sure. Maybe I haven’t used it enough yet.

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There is also the description field. Elevation probably isn’t that relevant for a Wolf Scout, but it can be for older Scouts. You’re right, it’s probably best where it is.

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@JenniferOlinger - It’s easier to just type in the numbers rather than write out the descriptions.

Speaking of the numbers, it doesn’t say whether elevation should be entered in feet or meters. It should probably specify that. I assumed it was feet. Even better: why not give the option to enter either one and have it automatically convert and show both numbers?

Too much to ask?

Since you mention the description, I entered a turn-by-turn description of the hike. After it is entered, I don’t see that description in the individual participants’ logs. It only appears in the unit event I created. I thought it would make sense for that to show in each Scout’s log, particularly if the basic entry method is used.

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@PeterHopkins I can ask.

The description not showing for individual Scouts is a bug. I know it was noted for people using the Scouting mobile app. I will have to check to see if it’s also noted for IA 2.0.

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I just reviewed the 186 comments to your post; there is a lot of information to digest. We have a committee meeting Tuesday where I will report on the change to the activity logs. I would appreciate a critique of my take-aways.

  1. The code of Scoutbook cannot support the changes necessary to meet the future needs of its users.
  2. IA2 provides the code for future needs.
  3. Activitiy logs in IA2 provides for improved capabilities down the road
  4. All camping, hiking and service activities entered into IA2 will then be approved by leadership.
  5. Parents should be encouraged to use the scouting app instead of Scoutbook
  6. Scouts with the exception of SPL, ASPL, PL, APL, scribe and JSM should be encouraged to use the scouting app instead of Scoutbook
  7. Scout leadership will need to review the progress of patrols and members, therefore will need to use Scoutbook.


@Mary_An, that’s a good summary. One other thing to add, as security rights are adjusted more adult leaders will be able to access logs and can create a log entry for multiple youth AND adults (NEW feature, previously could only log for youth with one entry and there were may requests to be able to log adult activities for various reason, OA eligibility being one of them). Also, as there are further refinements, such as adults being able to see their own logs (not there yet, but in the coming weeks).

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Oooo, I wouldn’t agree with that. Using Scoutbook is still key for many items not in the Scouting app. The calendar is more extensive, permission slip printing, RSVPs, messaging, account balance, etc. also, Scoutbook can be the “launchpad” to get to IA2 features.

To me, this shows a communication breakdown from national. It isn’t much of an either or as it is you will notice user interface differences between IA2 and Scoutbook. IA2 is a poor name as it draws too much of a wedge between systems that are pretty linked.

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Correction, with the new Scouting app, you CAN see account balances AND RSVP (just did it tonight for next week’s virtual Den meeting for both myself and my son). Also, the logs are fully integrated in the Scouting app without “launching” into IA2. The Scouting app (for individuals and parents) has really come a long way.

ETA: ScoutBook, however, is still necessary from an administrative standpoint, especially with event creation, messaging, purchase reports, approvals of rank items and awards.

Has there been any update to the timeline on granting den leaders access to IA2?

Wow! It has changed, but boy is it a mess.

RSVP is “Accept” and “Reject” vs “Going” or “Not Going” or something similar.

The BBEdit we have worked so hard to do in Scoutbook is not recognized at all.

Where is the balance for a Scout?

I don’t see permission slips.

No permission slips (that’s still only ScoutBook). Payment has moved to the dashboard under the Scout in the Scouting app.

I don’t see it for my daughter. Here is her Screen shot.

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Weird. My Cub Scout has it

Try swiping down on the screen. That might reload it.

That did it. It has such a clunky interface. With such long loading times, it is odd that this didn’t reload. Bugs and feedback to the forum on the app? For example, there is no total on the payment log, but a white rectangle that maybe should have it. Or do bugs go to the support email?

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If you could post in the Scouting Mobile App forum, that would be helpful.

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Sorry if this was noted above but there are too many posts to scroll through them all -
How can I update an activity? That is, I can use the new site and run a report to see all the (camping) activities that were recorded in Scoutbook. need to make a correction to one of the activities (that applies to multiple boys). I’m not seeing where to do that in Scoutbook or the new site.

Thanks in advance,

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