Hiking/Camping/Service/Long Cruise Logs Changing

Why would you take the activity logs out of Scoutbook. There isn’t a SSO policy for internet advancement. Scoutbook says everywhere “if you use Scoutbook don’t add stuff to internet advancement”… Seems like a waste of my time, my committees time and a step backward for users of Scoutbook. Very disappointing. What is even more disappointing is the developement team didn’t really add any new features, like being able to track riding for cycling MB, the National Outdoor Award.


Dislike this change.


thank you for the reply. I understand the logic now for the hours. It would be nice if it would accept partial hours.

Hi Stephen- There is no pencil at all. For the entries that were created by the system, it says “non editable” to the right. For the new entries, there is no longer any Notes/comment field at all. I’m using an iPhone.

@MelissaGuillotin - are you by any chance using the scouting app or are you in scoutbook.com

Hi Stephen- I downloaded and am using the Scouting app because I can longer view the logs in scoutbook.com (frustrating as that was working fine). So now it appears I need to use 2 applications instead of one.

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@MelissaGuillotin - they are working on the access issues for parents and other leaders. The scouting app is a youth/parent connection to the scoutbook database. One is an App the other is a web site… two very different things.

Agreed, two different things. I was using Scoutbook exclusively and wasn’t aware the Scouting app existed until I could no longer access the logs. Thus, I downloaded the Scouting app out of necessity. If you’re saying the access change was an error and will be reverted, that’s great news and as soon as I can see the logs again, I’ll be able to delete the Scouting app.

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Or you can keep the scouting app as that would be a person choice. I happen to use both.

Who can we contact to get the activity logs put back on Scoutbook? It was much easier and quicker while it was on Scoutbook, I use to able to see nights of camping, service time , miles hiked all while on Scoutbook When we did a BOR . Now it’s more difficult, especially when our meeting place had spotty WiFi.


@DougGurriell - the logs were moved to the new programming stack for greater enhancement and future dev work. I will ask though, what do the logs have to do with a BOR ? The BOR is not a re-test.


They might use it as a reference to ask about what they enjoyed about a specific hike or camping trip.

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It’s to reference what trips they’ve done, service time, to double check that they have the required amount of night, miles or hours… Just made it much easier to see and log when it was on Scoutbook.

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OK, I can see that logs would be used in that way. But certainly, all requirements would have been attested to prior to the BoR. Now as far as accessability, since scoutbook.com and scoutbook.scouting.org are web based they would run in the same data bandwidth. In the case of limited access, creating the report as a pdf would be the best approach.

This is not supposed to happen in a Board of Review. Once the requirements have been signed off and the scout is sitting int the BoR this is already done.


@JeremyPenner - that was what I was talking about… just that sort of thing.

While a BOR is not a re-test or examination, one reason for a board of review is to help ensure the Scout did what was supposed to have been done to meet the requirements.

The ability to view a Scout’s logs can help give some topics for discussion. I have been in a few BOR’s where Scouts have had trouble remembering some of what they’ve done, sometimes this is due to a bit of nervousness. So by being able to view the logs, the BOR members can look at it and say something like: “We see here that you participated in the troop’s snow campout in February. What are some of the things that you did while on this campout? What kind of cooking did you all do? What are some things you would do differently next time?”


@JenniferOlinger - yes that is a valid point. And most often we will discuss those very things. Never want to make this an inquisition although I have asked on a few occasions for the comfy chair from Cardinal Fang.

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With all this talk in the forum and the issues the changes have caused in scoutbook… it just always seems that new rollouts and system changes have more than a small amount of bugs and the entire group then serves as guinea pigs. We are all volunteers and our time is limited… i hope future rollouts can undergo greater tests before we all have to have service suspended when we need it the most. Thanks

@TimothySeymour1 - I can understand the need for greater testing. The only question I have is who shall test it ? I know for where I work, the user base is often the best proving ground as they know what they want and expect and depending upon who they are, their functionality is vastly different than the dev team.