This new system may be easy to use… but it’s Another System that I have to use and to teach parents to use.
If it feels like Ready, Aim, Fire… the statement that “A use video is almost ready for release”… after the the change has been made, is all you need to know.
This wasn’t my most Scoutlike post, but I’m really feeling this one because it’s just piling onto the body of knowledge it takes to be a unit leader.
It seems that I can no longer view, and therefore, edit my own activity log. Where do I add my own service hours.
Looks like the new IA2 doesn’t pull Scoutbook calendar items, so we’ll need to use both interfaces to review calendar items and Scout activities, yes?
Just tried to approve some merit badges for a Scout. Selected all. Approve. Refreshed page. Didn’t work.
Depending on your position / role in the unit, you can use the new activity logs to record adult participation. This is done by using “Add Person”.
It would be helpful if you could post this in a separate thread in the bugs forum, because it doesn’t appear to be related to the new logs.
Can you tell me what happened to the data that was previously in the Comments/Notes field? I no longer see it and had saved the details of the activity (ie, what was actually done during the hours logged for service).
Also I am having an issue when entering the time; it won’t accept the start and end times I enter. And why does it ask for both a duration and the actual times? It seems it should either auto-calculate the duration, or not ask for the specific start and end times.
@MichaelaMonson Thank you for the hard work! I saw the post about addiitonal security rights being added later to include admins, ASMs, and some others listed. I didn’t see Den Leaders (including the Tiger Den Leader and Lion Guide/Den Leader). All of these roles help to enter service hours and activities for their Dens in our Pack and would go a long way for them to be able to enter and approve these logs.
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@MelissaGuillotin - can you click on the pencil to open up more of the data ? The notes should be there.
@MelissaGuillotin The Notes data is still there. I can see it in Internet Advancement. I am not sure why it is not displayed in the Scouting mobile app, but I have reported it to the developers.
The reason why there are start and end times plus a duration is because Scouts are not necessarily working the entire time that they are at a service project (time off for lunch, etc.). Also, if it is a unit activity, Scouts sometimes arrive late / leave early, so the activity logs now support the ability to enter different amounts for individuals.
My adult logs have disappeared for camping, hiking, etc. I presume that they will come back? I can only see my own kids, but none from my den and not myself, either.
I might add that I don’t think this new interface is very intuitive. The previous one was a lot simpler. There are advantages to the new one, but it seems more of a hassle…Just my opinion.
Jennifer, this was in the new activity logs.
Jennifer - Please tell me that 13 years of my camping, hiking, biking, and service records are not gone because no one thought to send an email saying that our records will disappear…
I’m an admin in SB and am the SM for the troop.
According to feedback I got from the SUAC before, @MarkWestcott, the data wasn’t lost. It is/was just inaccessible for some folks. I’m still only seeing a portion of the data that I know I uploaded, but without a reference copy of the data, I can’t verify what was there and isn’t displaying, and what I think was there but I didn’t actually upload.
The data is still there. There are some display issues being worked on.
I’m not seeing merit badges on the activity logs.
However, on a Scout’s “Youth Profile” page in IA, there is an option to “Approve All”, and merit badges that have been marked as Completed might be listed there (if applicable). Is this what you are referring to?
Note the list of merit badges and the word Approve on the right side of the page
I think @JenniferOlinger is referring to the white-on-gray “Approve items” on the right edge of the gray bar at midheight of your snapshot.
@MarkWestcott I was looking at a different screen.
The screen in your pic was part of IA 2.0 before the activity logs were added. When you click on the “Pending Items” tab, your pending advancements will show up here.
This is where you approve all merit badges is not working? How many merit badges are you trying to approve at one time?
@MarkWestcott - I think the merit badge question should be moved into the internet advancement section so it does not take this thread off course.
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Yes, this is the spot and just what you see on the screen. 8 merit badges.
I see that on the 15th the advancement chair should be able to see the entire troop again. But as a mom, I can only see my Boy Scout and not my Cub Scout. I am linked to him is Scoutbook. How can I see him too?