Hi, Jayne,
I’m assuming that you have at least View Advancement privileges for the scout.
To create a printable report, go to:
My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Troop Roster → Scout’s name → Reports → Scouts BSA history report
This generates a PDF of completed advancement status.
To view an online status, you can indeed branch to the path as follows:
Troop Roster → Scout’s name → Scout’s name Advancement
then click on the relevant rank to display the requirements and their completion/approval status.
ETA: I may have misread what you were asking for. Are you trying to generate a report of all advancement that needs purchasing for a Court of Honor?
That would be My Units → Reports → Needs Purchasing
You need to either add the items you want to purchase to a purchase order (red Create Purchase Order button at the bottom), then print the resulting PO, or print an existing one if you already created the PO.
ETA2: There is a Scoutbook Knowledge Base as well, that may help with your questions.