Thank you, I appreciate you forwarding it on.
I am having the same issue. (Error: The batch cannot be updated). I look forward to developers fixing this. Is there a way to be notified when it is resolved.
Here is my BSA ID # - 110411008
Please provide your BSA ID so it can be passed to developers if needed.
Thanks again! I went in today and the error was fixed, so whoever your forwarded it to was able to correct it.
I see you looking into GlennHarbinâs issue, but I donât see the resolution. I have a very small pack with many of the adults from the Troop filling in with committee. I want to mark them as multiples, so we do not pay twice. I get the checkbox, âmark as multipleâ then the pop up asks for Council (pre-filled!) Unit Type (change to Troop) then the last field does not accept our unit number. Please advise if there is a fix for this. Thank you.
@TheodoreMcDonald Please provide your bsa member number, the pack number, the bsa member numbers for the adults you are attempting to multiple (no names), and the troop number you are entering.
BSA #125843732. Pack #3099, Troop #99.
As committee chair I completed the recharter process for both units. However I did not receive the email to sign the Troop recharter until 3 days later. And then it came to a different email address. I only have 1 log-in; with the toggle switch at the top, Iâm not sure how the different address came to be. Where can I update my Troop email address?
@TammyHubl I would first check with Council
I called my council. They checked everywhere they could and it was correct in all of their places.
@TammyHubl I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
I am experiencing a bug on using Manage Members > Mark as Multiples when trying to move one member or several members. I have several committee members that are on both the Pack and the Troop Committee or other leadership positions. It wonât let me go either way. Some prefer to be through the Troop and some prefer to be through the Pack. I can choose Mark as Multiples and it has my council listed, I choose Pack (or Troop), but then it wonât let me choose the number. I just has the red circle with the line through it. When I click âSubmitâ it tells me the field is required, but still wonât let me enter the number. Iâm at a standstill on recharter. My BSA number is 125945631.
@CherylAllen this is a known bug being worked on
I have a question similar to Cheryl Allenâs above, in trying to wrap up recharter for both our troop and pack, with a number of multiples between the two units. Some members use the pack as primary, while some use the troop. It appears that when trying to mark someone as a Multiple, the only units that show up in the dropdown are those that have completed recharter (seems a few more units show up in the dropdown each day as their recharter gets processed). However, we are in a âcatch 22â situation, in that neither unit will be able to complete recharter until the other gets processed. Seems like the full list of units should remain available in the dropdown at least a little past the 12/31/21 expiration given some of the typical delays in the recharter process. Have you heard any status or ETA on this known bug?
Brent, I am having the same issue now. I thought that I would revisit to see if the bug was fixed. Now there is a drop down, but only the units that have rechartered, but the units that I need to multiple to arenât available because of the same vicious cycle that you have. Iâm not sure how those units even rechartered, because I know that they have many multiples, too, unless they decided to pay for people in both units.
One workaround that we found for Multiples is to copy the important fields from the existing record of the person (you will need the First and Last name as it appears, the BSA Member ID, whether they are a youth or adult, and if an adult, you will need the leader position, and their date of birth, and their email (might have to go to or Scoutbook to get the email). Then delete that person from your recharter by clicking the box by their name, going up to Manage Members, and in the drop down, click Remove From Recharter. Then go back up to Manage Members, and click on Add New Member, and click on the EXISTING MEMBER button. You will need to fill in the First and Last name of the deleted member you are wanting to add back as a Multiple, as well as their Member Type (Adult, Youth, or Particpant), Member ID, Primary Position in Unit, Email, and Birthdate. This will add the member back in as a Multiple with no fee showing. I have been able to get our Recharters out the door with this workaround. It doesnât allow you to list the primary unit in which the member is paying, but I assume internally this will all get validated by the registrar since the BSA Member ID will tie all of this together. Hope that helps a bit.