How to use scoutbook with two different councils in two states

I’m the advancement chair for a cubscout pack in CT (the council gave me their own membership number). I will be advancement chair for a boy scout troop in NY(which uses my their own membership number) and how is that going to work in scoutbook? At this time scoutbook only recognizes only the primary membership number from legacy in I’m hoping scoutbook has already had this situation. I don’t see it listed in any discussions.

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Have the unit in NY manually add you as advancement chair to their roster. They can search for you by you by the e-mail address attached to the Scoutbook account you normally use. You do not need to use the Scoutbook account that was created when the NY council added you with a different BSA Member ID.

Note this is different than a Scout. A Scout in 2 councils will need to use both accounts in order to have advancement properly recorded in each Council.

I have a Webelo, he was in a Pack in TN. He has now entered a pack in FL. Scoutbook shows him in both packs with the TN pack 1st or as primary. How do I change the FL pack to primary? We would like to see his current pack show first.

@MichaelStanley Is he still active with the Tennessee pack? If not, put an end date on his membership with that pack.

You will also want to make sure that he has the correct BSA ID number for your council in Scoutbook. You can check that by going to his Edit Profile page.

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Thank you for the reply. We will try it.
But I thought a scout can only have one active membership number? I will have to look this up. My daughter will become a scout after her B&G in February. I already spoke to the CT scoutmaster and as long as she has signed permission, she can take merit badges in NY. She will be with me at both troop meetings. Could she be in two troops? Hmm

If someone is registered in units in two councils, they will have two different members numbers. Councils are each assigned ranges of member numbers that can’t transfer across councils.

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