To whom it may concern,
I am the CC for my son’s troop and my husband is the ASM. I am also a committee member and MB councilor in my daughter’s troop in another council.
About a month ago on a Wednesday I was trying to do something on SB when all of a sudden everything went away. My husband was also working through something on SB at the same time and his also went away. I figured it was your normal fix things day so didn’t mess with it again since I obtained what I needed before it went down. Since then I have not been able to get to anything and it seems to think I am a new parent. My husband can access his in the same way he did before but I open a blank page with just my name and number, as if I have no training or access to anything. The good news is that I can still get into “my scouting” but that doesn’t help my SB issues and the fact that I can’t enter anything in for the merit badges that I have girls working on or check anything on my children. I am not tech savvy so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit to add: I just had my daughter check her membership. It still has her registered in her old council ( there was a huge issue when I moved her over to the new council and everything was lost then recovered), has absolutely zero of her information. There are a lot of issues going on here.
so what is your current council?
here is the issue - you have one scout in a different council than you - and in that council under your BSA# from that council you are parent - so whenever anything changes for the scout it is going to screw up your current MID - I put you new main MID (BSA#) under management for you ( > Mange Member ID) - you want to keep it Primary. You might want to call the other council and remove you as a parent
I am in two councils. One as a Committee Chair the other as a committee member and merit badge councilor. I figured out that they gave my daughter a second ID number when we switched her. The buttons used for multiple units didn’t work for us and has needed council intervention. She started out as a scout in one council then became a crew member in the other. At the end of the year she switched to a troop in the council of her crew. This was all working well until about a month ago when the system went down for maintenance. Her committee chair was able to give me her new number so I am no connected with her now. My husband was able to approve me reconnecting with my son so now that is good. I still cannot connect as an adult leader in either troop as of right now.
I still need to be in both councils. I need my son’s council as my primary since I am a key 3.
well all your positions are on the SB User with the MID I have as Primary - for adults as long as you are a registered adults you can for now have positions in SB for other units. So you can do it all from one user. If you need items in for the other councils you would need to change Primary to log in under that other MID
In scoutbook I do not have any position. In my scouting I am registered as the committee chair. I am unable do any thing in SB as far as an adult leader
try logging out and back in
Still not showing up.
Is there any way to have an in person conversation? I feel like I am not explaining myself well enough. I am not good at the computer stuff and have been putting this off for as long as I could because I knew it was going to take some work.
are you using the ##paints2000 user name?
I can setup a screenshare if you want
Yes , I changed absolutely nothing.
I was able to toggle from one troop to the next and to do CC jobs in Troop 13 and then toggle to Troop 1923 to do merit badge things up until about 3-4 weeks ago. On my end nothing has changed. Everything is saved to my computer so that I don’t need to remember anything.
If you think that would help. I am willing to give you my phone number if I can do it privately if you need better clarification.
I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
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