Lost all connections after switching primary member ID back

Originally my account has two councils: GGAC_023 (self registered 3+ years ago) and SVMBC_055 (current council registered 3+ years ago). I am registered and Troop admin under SVMBC_055.

Around mid July, my account was added (and set primary to) another council (seems Golden Empire Council in Sacramento, California, not sure) by system, I believe some councils mess due to some scouts/parents in my unit also reported they were misplaced w/ new council and some other out of date ranking/MB information. So I tried to just switch my Primary council back to SVMBC. But right after that, the Empire Council on my.scouting.org manage member ID was disappeared and I lost my troop admin and ASM roles, no connection to any scouts/adults of my troop, …, I guess system might point to my old (not used) one (of GGAC or somewhere else).

Please help~~

@CYRUSCHU I merged your Scoutbook Accounts

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Dear DonovanMcNeil,

Great Thanks~~ With your quick help, It back to normal, and I can keep managing troop scoutbook issues.

It seems my SB account has been “blown out” due to Narragansett Council, and I now have no access to my pack, troop or crew in South Florida Council under member ID 123744561 (SB User 12462577).

My council registrar has deleted the Narragansett Council, and I still have no access to my units. I’m hoping you can get it fixed for me please. Thank You!


I will look into this

I found the other account - cleaning it up now @edavignon

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You Rock! Thank You!

Is there any way to fix it so this doesn’t happen again? Chances are we’ll be doing this same dance, with the same music next summer…

every time you change MIDs it will mess things up

Oh bother.

I head to summer camp in Rhode Island for a week to help out at the adult hospitality center (gotta beat the Florida summer heat!). Of course, there is a mountain of paperwork, and a new application to complete every year, which results in this jumble.

I truly hope 1. I’m not causing you grief; and 2. They figure out a way to fix it so it stops happening.

Thank you again :slight_smile:

Just use a middle name variation - not sure why you need to register you are already a registered leader for the BSA

Because it’s a different council, they want their own application, etc.

I’ll continue to try and convince them to just pull what’s already existing.

So if I register my troop in Texas to go to that camp does everyone have to register in that council? do the adults? if not that is where I would begin the discussion.

@MichaelJohansen - I think the only reason to “regsiter” as it were is if you are part of the staff which would be the Venture Crew that is the “unit” of staffers… but as a volunteer or attendee that seems a bit much to require that.

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