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My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions
Click on a current position / role. Click the box next to: “I agree to join the unit leader roster.” Update. Then repeat for other position(s) / role(s) in your pack.
Then, ask a Pack Admin to:
Go to the Pack Roster page
Click on your name.
Click on your position / role.
This should re-set your connections to the Scouts in your den. If it doesn’t work, you might have a duplicate account.
Do you have a den admin position or just a den leader position?
Ask the pack admin to check your profile for your email address and BSA member number. Make sure it’s the same as you see on your profile when you log in.
This sounds like you may have 2 Scoutbook accounts. Go to My Dashboard → My Account → Edit Profile, scroll down and make sure the BSA Member ID matches what you see when you log in to my.scouting.org. Also, ask your pack admin to click on your name in the roster, click Edit Profile and check the BSA Member ID. If there is a mismatch you have multiple Scoutbook accounts that will need to be merged. Let us know what you discover and we can determine the next step to fix your issue.
Thank you, this appears to be an issue with having multiple Scoutbook accounts. The member ID I see is different from the one my pack admin sees when selecting my name from the pack roster page.
Not sure how this happened. I have not messed with my account since joining and use the same login each time. What can I do to resolve this?
if you have both BSA # you can go to my.scouting.org > Log in > Click Menu top Left > Click Manage Member ID and Merge the 2 - probably making the one your unit has the Primary one
Both member numbers appear when I click Manage Member ID. When I try to make the one my unit admin can see as primary, an error message appears stating:
Failed to update membership. Reason: Person GUID is empty
The same member ID also has no council associated with it.
Send an email to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with all the Info and what you want done - you need to merge the accounts - state which one you need as primary