IA error in access scout's advancement/activity log

Hi team,
We noticed a scout record that was misbehaving when looking up information about his activity logs. The internet advancement thinks I do not have permissions (my role is Troop admin) to view the scout’s advancement even though we have had this scout in our troop roster for 3 years now. There must have something that is not right in his profile or something changed with permissions recently.
Also, I did notice the scout still shows as part of SVMBC even though we have had him in PacSky council for 3 years now. Not sure if that is causing issue?

Appreciate your help in looking into this:
BSA scout id: 137065919

Generally speaking, Internet Advancement looks for permissions at my.scouting – not Scoutbook. As a Committee Member, you do not have any special access at IA.

I have updated the Scout’s council in Scoutbook.

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Thanks Jennifer for the prompt response. I will circle back if the errors continue

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