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*1) Hardware: Laptop
*2) Mac
*3) Chrome
*4) no
*5) Member ID136291349 & Pathway to Adventure Council
My daughter set up her MYST account and tried to watch the modules for the online ILST. Two modules are supposed to be in there, but when she hits “visit” this screen happens:
I see the same issue. Definitely not whole training site. I see other programs. learning plans, and courses. Seems like an issue since it says it contains 2 elements, but you look in it and then there’s nothing.
Remember that it never superceded the offline syllabus and is only meant as a stop-gap for situations where you can’t run it in person.
As I previously mentioned, those were never meant as permanent fixtures. My guess is the learning plan and courses got removed but the program got left behind. Look at the offline curriculum and use that. If you are in a jurisdiction that is still impacted by closings, look to the community for ways to accomodate and adjust.
I’ll send a message to my council to see if a ticket with national can be opened to either restore the content or remove the orphaned program level, whichever is the appropriate resolution.
My council contact said it looks like they have removed the ILST online format now that COVID restrictions have lifted. Here is the link to Scouting.Org training site for youth training. https://www.scouting.org/training/youth/.
That being said, I would really like to see the ILST online modules be reposted and made available despite the COVID restrictions being lifted as online offers other benefits too and can be a refresher if needed.