“Error: An error occurred while processing the request” I would like to add some advancements. Why, oh why do I keep getting error messages?
I have been getting the same message for more than a week. Court of Honor is this coming week and I can’t enter advancement. Is anyone having success entering advancement?
It’s making me crazy.
As has been pointed out in other threads:
In order to access the advancement part of Internet Advancement, you need to be registered as a unit Key 3 or designated in one of the functional roles at my.scouting as Unit Advancement Chair or a Key 3 Delegate.
Functional roles such as Unit Advancement Chair and Key 3 Delegate expire at the end of each charter year. After your local council has processed your unit’s recharter, one of your unit’s Key 3 (SM/CM, CC or COR) will need to log in at my.scouting and use the Organization Security Manager to re-designate the functional roles.
tbh Bill all these years SB (or BSA?) still leaves much to be desired in communicating updates and all for the users sake. appreciate all the SUAC volunteers efforts but it’s really hard for others catching up without constantly monitoring this forum.
This bug should be fixed now.
Please let us know if you are still having issues.
The Scoutbook User Advisory Council posts software program changes we are aware of for Scoutbook and Internet Advancement in the change log forums at this site. Major BSA announcements are in the BSA announcement section.
Thank you. It is working now.
Does, “the bug has been fixed”, mean that we no longer have to re-designate each role? I just stumbled on this and it explains why functional role members keep telling me that nothings works… about once a year.
BTW - there’s no chance I’ll remember this in a year… I hope a plan for notification is in the works.
The system has been updated so that functional roles do not expire if you re-register in the same position. It was supposed to have been fixed for 2021 but an issue was found that caused many functional roles to expire.
Very good. Now a follow up that still falls under “I’m beginning to take this personal”.
I can see and click on the “New Topic” button, but nothing happens. Tried in both Chrome and Edge.