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Trying to import advancements from 3rd party application (TroopTrack).
Wed, 8/25 Successful import, but got stuck in Pending status. I was advise in a separate thread to cancel and resubmit, which I did.
Thu, 8/26 Successful import. Went into Pending status for some time, then went into Failed status. I reported this in a separate thread (which was subsequently closed for some reason) and was advised that this was “fixed an hour ago” so I should cancel and resubmit, which I did.
Thu, 8/26 Successful import. Went into Pending status, but when I checked this morning it was Failed.
Note, there is no explanation for Failed status. No ability to click on something to get more information.
I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
For the record, this has been resolved. The issue was blank lines at the end of the import text file. This was caused by me editing the file after it was created by the 3rd party application. Lesson learned.
I want to call out @DonovanMcNeil who worked with me the rest of the afternoon yesterday until the source of the problem was identified and fixed. Exceptional service - thank you!