Cannot enter troop advancement data in IA2 (from Legacy Tools) because the link is greyed out in Scoutbook Troop Roster. I am a Troop Admin.
Only Key 3 and Unit Advancement chair have access to that
Also Key 3 Delegates. Each unit can have up to three Key 3 Delegates (K3Ds).
K3Ds and Unit Advancement Chair (UAC) are functional roles that are designated using the Organization Security Manager at (my.Scouting Tools).
Please note that these functional roles expire at the end of each year and need to be redesignated after the unit’s recharter has been processed by the local council.
Thank you, Jennifer and Donovan. I was both a “Key-3 Delegate” and an “Advancement Chair” when I sent my last Advancement Report in March 2020. I guess our council finally got around to completing our troop recharter after that, which reverted my status.