I am a key 3 delegate/unit advancement chair for two different Troops. I use both Scoutbook and Internet advancement (the latter when we have a large list downlaoded from Troopmaster). Up until a month or so ago, no problem. But now when I go in to upload a data file in IA 2.0 I get an error message that says I’m not authorized. I’m definitely listed in my.scouting.org as unit advancement chair. Thouthts?
The developers are looking into this issue.
Having the same issue. I’m a key 3 member. Everything’s up to date on My.Scouting and Scoutbook, but it told me today that I didn’t have permissions to access pack information. It only lets me access my son’s profile.
@DanicaStout - what is your role in the pack ? The key 3 in a pack are:
Committee Chair
Charter Org Rep
Which one of those are you ?
I’m ASM, unit advancement chair and unit training chair. I asked SM to totally delete me last night and then redesignate as above, and now it works. Guess for some reason we just needed a reset. All is well
I am the Cubmaster for my pack
@DanicaStout Are you able to access the Organization Security Manage for your pack at my.scouting.org (my.Scouting Tools)?
Our Unit advancement is not able to access things either for Troop 130
@StaceyMitchell Have you double-checked the Organization Security Manager at my.scouting.org (my.Scouting Tools) to make sure that your Unit Advancement Chair is designated there?
Yes I am, and everything in it is accurate.
Wow, its even worse now.
I lost all my access as Cubmaster to the Pack, even though Scouting.org shows me still as. Can’t see anything for the Pack in IA.
Set up as Assistance Scoutmaster in the Troop, but still can’t actually add any logs to any of the scouts.
@StephenMajka - could you provide screen shots of what you see or do not see ?
I am the Pack Cubmaster, but IA has removed me from it
Those are my log in options, so I can’t DO anything in the Pack, totally gone.
Signed is a ASM, go to Activities to add a hike… blank, no options to add.
@StephenMajka - thank you and from my.scouting.org your profile active positions and can you access member manager and other key 3 items ? A screen shot there would be great as well.
Here you go
@StephenMajka - thank you. I would be interested an taking a first hand look. If you wish we can do a screen share if you email sjhjr@comcast.net just let me know.
Just wondering is any progress has been made on this? My problem is basically identical, aside from it only saying that I’m a family member on the IA page. The person who I was in contact with sent me a broken link to Boy Scouts of America Service Desk, 4 days ago, and I haven’t heard from them since. I’ve sent several responses to them already, with no reply.
@DanicaStout - have you checked with your key 3 on the following:
- charter status (has it bee processed and the exp date 12/31/2020
- Are you listed in member manager as a committee member
- are you liisted in Organization Security Manager as Unit Advancement Chair and/or Key 3 Delegate
@DanicaStout - thank you. That at least shows that the MYST data is there and valid. I do see the second cubmaster entry in scoutbook. Not sure if that should have any impact. I could set up a screen share if you want to try that.
It looks like your listed in Scoutbook as the Cubmaster for two Packs… so are your permissions set up correctly for both packs in my.scouting.org?