I have a scout registered as a unit participant in my scouting.org with 12/31/24 expiration but listed as expired 7/4/2024 in scoutbook plus. Scout ID matches in both apps. 12/31/2024 is the correct expiration date. How do I correct the expiration date in scoutbook plus.
@ronaldwest2 without the BSA # we can give no advise
Scout Id is 134179671
I think you are just getting a wrong code off a closed UCSR position the Scout had
The system may be confused because the Scout was previously registered as Unit College Scouter Reserve. Unit Participant is only for Scouts who have an Eagle extension or been authorized by the Council Advancement Committee to register beyond the age of eligibility. If one of these is not the case, then the Scout’s registration should be changed back to Unit College Scouter Reserve or Assistant Scoutmaster.
I will ask the developers to investigate why the wrong expiration date is showing.
He was registered as unit college reserve and unit participant in Jan or Feb once is adult application was processed after unit charter was processed in Jan. He has been approved as a unit participant by Council Advancement Committee.
He turned 18 Nov 28 2023, required a paper application that was not process in Dec, this caused recharter to be delayed until Jan and then his application was added after charter was processed.
Unit college scouter reserve was in error.
Has there been any response from developers.
What do I need to do to get this resolved, thanks
The developers are aware of the issue. We do not know when this will be scheduled for investigation.
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