I’m working to get Advancements from Day Camp recorded, and it’s only offering Bear shooting awards for all my Webelos, help?!
Did you follow the getting started instructions here: http://help.scoutbook.com ?
When I follow all of those directions (click roster, select a scout etc.) it only gives options for Bear shooting awards, but the scouts I have selected are Webelos, and need the Webelos advancements for their Day Camp awards.
please contact Member Care at myscouting@scouting.org or call 972-580-2489.
Make sure you explain to them that you are trying to credit Webelos Scouts but Internet Advancement is only showing you Bear shooting sports awards.
@WilliamNelson - I can confirm that it only lists bear shooting sports for the bears that moved to Webelos in mid June.
Thank you both! have a great day!
I sent you a direct message
William, my account had restricted access, and I’m totally unfamiliar with this latest version. I don’t see a direct message notification?
It will be a bubble above the icon that represents your account in the right of the web header.
It could also work if you click on your icon in that same spot next to the hamburger lines.
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