Internet Advancement - approval of pending activities

I am registered as a Key 3 for our troop and I am entering in camping and activity events on Internet advancement. All the events that I have entered is listed as pending approval. I am wondering what needs to be done by whom to get those events approved.

What is your registered position at my.scouting? At the troop level, the term Key 3 means: Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chair, and Chartered Org. Rep.

If you are not registered in one of the Key 3 positions, then you need one of the Key 3 to log in at my.scouting, go to the Organization Security Manager and add you as a Unit Advancement Chair or as a Key 3 Delegate. [Please note: the functional positions at the Organization Security Manager expire at the end of every charter year, and will need to be redesignated after your recharter has been processed by your council.]

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Do you also have a child in the Troop? If you have multiple roles (Key 3 and parent, for example), you need to have the correct role selected in order to approve activities. You can check this by clicking on the Scouts BSA logo in the upper right, near your name.


I am the Unit Advancement Chair and as a key 3 for the troop. I am also in as my unit position not as a parent.

@KatieGrassel - the advancement chair is not a key 3. For the Troop it is Committee Chair, Scoutmaster and Charter Org Rep. You might want to ask any of them to add you to the role of key 3 delegate.

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Looking at your screen capture, I don’t think you have a position assigned that has permissions to approve activities. as @Stephen_Hornak mentioned, you should ask your Scoutmaster or Committee Chairperson to assign you as a Key3 Delegate in the OSM.

@KatieGrassel - here is what I show in IA2

I am the Advancement Chair for the Pack, and that role is assigned in OSM along with the key3 delegate role. So have your key 3 check that you are assigned the Advancement Chair role.

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