Key 3 delegate and advancement chair access

I have two issues:

  1. My advancement chair and my key 3 delegate no longer have access to the site except for their own kids.

  2. my merit badge counselors only have access to their own kids…

All were designated weeks ago… Help!

I’ve occasionally had my K3D designation drop for no apparent reason. Have one if the Key 3 check in the Organizational Security Manager at my.scouting to see if they’re still designated.

If they are designated, but don’t have access, I encountered that bug (or perhaps one that looks like it, I think) a few weeks ago. It took some banging around on the development side to get it resolved.


Are you referring to Scoutbook or Internet Advancement?

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Thanks! The latter is exactly what’s happening. How do i reach the development side?

Hi, Scoutbook… I am still trying to navigate through Internet Advancement… Aren’t they linked?


Make sure your Key 3 Delegates and Advancement Chair are listed as such in Organization Security Manager in

Merit Badge Counselors do not have access to anyone in Internet Advancement other than their own children. They need to record Merit Badge progress in Scoutbook.

My key 3 delegates have been correctly listed for two weeks.
I figure out the merit badge issue.

Any idea on the key 3 delegate and advancement folks and why they don’t have access?

Any ideas would be appreciated!
yours in scouting,

@LaraServenti - here are who the key three are:

Unit Leader - think scoutmaster, cubmaster, etc
Committee Chair
Charter Org Rep

There can be ONLY one Unit Advancement Chair and key 3 delegate listed in so I am suspecting it was not checked there but rather in


If you Key 3 Delegates and Advancement Chair are properly set in Organization Security Manager, you will need to send an e-mail to describing the problem. Include their names, BSA Member IDs, council and unit to Please post the SSD that will be in the subject of one of the automated replies here.

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Nope… I did that already through

@LaraServenti - is there any particular reason why you would be listed twice in a search in ? Perhaps that is contributing to issues.

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