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Good Morning,
I’ve now figured out how to enter activities into Internet Advancement (hiking / camping, etc). Our SMs put in camping (much appreciated, BUT…) for each individual camper instead of one activity and adding all the people to it… but did not put the correct dates so any activities that are more than 1 night only show 1.
How can I edit? I attempted to edit the dates on all of them but the system will not allow me to save and record the changes. I am a Key 3 (Advancement Chair) and cannot do it. I also cannot delete the activity and start over. Help??
I think your issues are related to your troop’s recharter not being processed by your council yet.
At the troop level, “Key 3” is a BSA term that means:
Committee Chair
Chartered Org. Rep.
If one of your troop’s Key 3 has designated you as Unit Advancement Chair at my.scouting, then that is a functional role that expires at the end of each charter year. One of your Key 3 will need to log in at my.scouting and use the Organization Security Manager to redesignate you after the troop’s recharter has been processed by your council.
Also, depending on the date of the event, you can’t edit it (or delete it). Sigh. Something about when they moved Activities over from SB to IA. So, anything before 2019? I forget the date for sure. There are searches you can do on Activities on this site that have the actual timeframe. Apparently this is a requested feature but no relief in sight.