Tried to run a report today and I can see my son’s profile but do not have access to the Troop.
I am the Scoutmaster and no changes were made on my end.
Anyone else having this issue?
@FrederickPeloso - In the Top Bar where it says Welcome, %User% is there a scouting emblem to the right, can you click on that and see if you get a drop down ?
Thank you - I do see the dropdown but the only unit that comes up is my daughter’s. I am an assistant SM there.
@FrederickPeloso - thanks… now in, what is listed for your positions… could be a recharter thing or multiple BSA ID’s
The 2 units are in different Councils.
My ID matches from Scoutbook to, but only my daughter’s unit shows a position on
@FrederickPeloso are your BSA #s in Manage Member ID? if so to log into - and flip the primary MID
Done, and thank you.
Now my daughter’s unit is unavailable, and all my Bio info is missing.
I’ll give it a little time to “reset” and see what happens then post update.
Thank you both!
Time will not help. Each council has a unique set of member numbers available to them. You are essentially two different people. Setting the primary in my.scouting controls which account you are logging into.
That’s not good haha!
My Dashboard in Scoutbook is blank and now I have access to neither unit.
Earlier today I had access to both units.
Do I need to have my numbers merged?
@FrederickPeloso you cannot merge numbers = log into > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to and log in using your credentials
If you don’t see anything under My Dashboard → Administration, click on it to expand it.
Thanks for sticking with me!
I updated the MID to my original ID with council i have been with for years. Logged back into scoutbook and my profile is blank.
When I switch to newer ID from newer Council I have more Scoutbook access but Internet Advancement is only my daughter’s (newer) unit.
Got it thank you!
Well your 2 councils are 2 MIDs - one for each - you should have to switch back and forth.
OK if thats how it is then so be it.
Does it sound correct though that my profile would only be available on one of the IDs?
I think I am going to call the newer Council tomorrow and at least confirm they made a recent update.
Thank you again!
@FrederickPeloso - this is the inherent risk of multiple extra-council registrations. Personally I would never attempt such a thing… the maintenance cost in person hours is not worth the effort.
@Stephen_Hornak I didnt realize it would be an issue! I just wanted to volunteer with my daughter’s unit.
@FrederickPeloso - no I totally get it, but now you are faced with the juggling act of multiple BSA ID’s.
The same holds true for those that decide they have to register in every council within a short commuter flight as an MBC… that is totally not necessary either.
I just went through exact same thing. Had 2 member IDs and changing primary had same results as you. In the end, my council rep was abke to have the id issue resolved with the scoutbook people. I then needed to be repermissioned with admin access by someone in my troop that could do that (3 key?)