Internet Advancement Roster Error - giving "Logged-in User does not have access to this API)

MID: 114954602. I have a scout who was transferred from an inter-council Pack to my Troop via his parent. I accepted this scout in Scoutbook. In IA 2.0, when I try to access this scout from the Roster menu, I get a “Logged-in User does not have access to this API”. When I “Import File” from the Roster menu, (file from TroopMaster), he is the only scout that gives an error - this scout does not exist (I verified the member ID & DOB). No issues accessing other scouts in unit from the Roster Menu. Any ideas?

It sounds like the scout wasn’t officially transferred. Does the scout appear on your official roster at my.scouting?

When you say “was transferred from an inter-council Pack to my Troop via his parent. I accepted this scout in Scoutbook.”, do you mean the parent added a membership in your pack to the scout’s Scoutbook account, or did they use beascout to transfer electronically?

Thank you Charlie. Thank you for the lead, the scout is not showing up on our my.scouting roster. My understanding is the parent used “My Applications” in my.scouting to initiate the transfer. I solved the issue by logging into scoutbook and generated an intercouncil transfer (Roster Menu). I am good now. Many Thanks!

I thought that all inter-council transfers had to go through beascout and be initiated by the parent.

ETA: The only option I see under the unit roster at Scoutbook is “In-council transfer”. I didn’t think that was supposed to work for inter-council transfers, just intra-council ones.

If they aren’t on the my.scouting roster, then they didn’t really transfer. It is the “system of record”.