Unable to access one scout in troop

I am unable to access the IA 2.0 profile of the following scout.

SB User ID:

BSA Member ID:

When I access this user I get the error message “Logged in user does not have access to this API”

I am both a troop admin and Key 3+3. Before being unable to access this we contacted council about this user because his official name on the roster had a “.” in the name and Scoutbook/IA was starting to have issues with editing the profile due to this. Council said they removed the “.” in their version but it was still appearing in the official roster and they were going to raise a Scoutbook ticket on it. To me it still shows in the my.scouting.org profile but even without that I still cannot access his IA2 profile anymore. I was giving this a little while to resolve itself but this weekend will be a camping trip with this scout, I would be a good idea to have it fixed for him. This is the only scout in the troop I am showing this issue with.

Well that MID is not registered - the registered MID is 130983638 - let me see what can be done

Odd I did a cut and paste directly from the Scoutbook page (not the IA2 page) that shows the user and what badges he has. I can now see the updated MID to that number.

look at my.scouting.org - that is official roster

OK this is fixed now @JamesSoltysiak

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